What Does the YWCA Child Care Resource & Referral do?

We offer a multitude of programs to help parents and children grow together with a focus on children 0-6, as well as support and training to childcare providers. Join our group programs or reach out for more tailored support. We will provide personalized learning opportunities that aid in your child’s development and your parenting skills. If you’re looking for training or support in early childhood education, as a provider, or looking to become a provider – we are ready to help you on your journey. Contact Us about how we can better serve you.

Parents & Families

mom reading to her daughter
Finding affordable, quality child care that fits the unique needs of your child is a challenge! With many different program options, such as center-based or family child care, knowing what to look for and which questions to ask are vital to the selection process.

Child Care Providers

teacher with children
We are the largest provider of training and technical assistance for early childhood caregivers and teachers in this region. The YWCA also offers a multitude of trainings and technical assistance for the Step Up To Quality tiered rating system and more.

Get Started

If you’re thinking of becoming a child care provider, we can help you learn what type may be best for you. We provide training and resources to get your center certified and licensed.

Start a Family Child Care

Are you interested in starting a child care program in your home? We can help you get started.

Start a Care Center

To start a care center in your area, you must be certified and licensed through the State of Ohio. We can help you navigate the process.

Transitioning Types of Care

We provide training for those care centers that would like to transition from a Type B to a Type A license.

Stay Up to Date

* indicates required

During this unprecedented time, the YWCA CCR&R team seeks to keep you informed as to how the COVID- 19 pandemic is affecting families and child care providers in Ohio. We continue in our efforts to connect families to child care that meets their needs and we endeavor to do our part to support the healthy growth and development of all children in our state. If you would like to speak to someone from one of our offices, please Contact Us and we will be in touch with you soon.
Thank You

Thank you child care providers for being strong, making difficult decisions, and continuing to provide amazing care to Northwest Ohio’s families. Please know that we will continue to support you in any way that we can – we’re all in this together!