Category: CCR&R NEWS

19 Nov

We are thankful for you!

At the YWCA CCR&R we know how hard child care providers work.  Many families are able to further their careers, complete their degrees, and improve their personal situations because they

22 Oct

Child Care Business Success Summit Speakers Announced

We are excited to announce that we have secured all of the speakers for our TWO DAY Child Care Business Success Summit! Mark your calendars for March 29th and 30th

15 Oct

Clarification on inservice forms

Have you noticed that some trainers still give you inservice forms while others do not? This is happening because all Ohio Approved trainings must now be verified through the Professional

8 Oct

POWER Ohio wants to reward you for continuing your education

Effective Monday, October 1st staff employed by licensed programs in the state of Ohio who are not rated in Step Up To Quality will have the opportunity to participate in

2 Oct

Make sure your voice is heard this November

It’s officially October, which means we are one month from electing our next governor.  While the YWCA CCR&R does not endorse political candidates, we do want to make sure that

31 Aug

The YWCA CCR&R has a new home in Lima!

On Wednesday September 29th the Lima community joined our YWCA staff to celebrate the grand opening of our new Lima office.  In recent years the programming offered by the YWCA
