Child Care Providers

children playing with teacher

Today’s child care providers need to provide a high quality learning experience for every child in their program. Child care providers supply the framework to equip children with the skills they will utilize as they negotiate their path through the educational system to become productive members of society.

As the designated child care resource and referral agency for the Northwest Ohio region, the YWCA Child Care Resource and Referral is your foundation for information on early care and education. At the YWCA Child Care Resource and Referral, we assist families, child care providers, employers and other community agencies in defining and attaining quality child care.

We are the largest provider of training and technical assistance for early childhood caregivers and teachers in this region. The YWCA also offers a multitude of trainings and technical assistance for the Step Up To Quality tiered rating system. Our Specialists can assist child care providers with questions about infant, toddler, preschool, after school and administrative issues.

Become a Provider​

Are you thinking of becoming a child care provider? We outline all the information you’ll need.

Professional Development Opportunities​

Develop your skills and improve the quality of your care by participating in our training program.

Update Your Program​

Keep your program up-to-date so that we can have the important information possible to match parents to your care.


We’ve gathered the essential information and websites you’ll need as a child care provider.