Are you thinking about becoming a child care provider? Currently, there are three types of child care providers that are certified or licensed through the State of Ohio.
Child Care Centers – Facilities are licensed and inspected by the State of Ohio at least once a year. The size of the center determines the number of children and the number of staff.
Type A Family Child Care Providers – Homes licensed by the State of Ohio to provide care for up to 12 children with two adults providing care.
Type B Family Child Care Providers – Homes licensed by the State of Ohio for up to six children.
For information on becoming a licensed Type B provider, a licensed Type A provider, or to open a center, visit the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services website at http://jfs.ohio.gov/cdc/openingachildcareprogram.stm
You will also want to consider becoming a YWCA CCR&R Registered Provider. Benefits include:
- We help connect child care providers with parents who are seeking child care.
- We provide a variety of child development trainings several days a week at various times of the day to ensure child care providers can meet their professional development goals.
- We offer coaching for your programming needs such as: room arrangements, setting up different centers in your rooms, appropriate book and toy selections, and more.
- We keep child care professionals connected to events and policy issues through our monthly newsletter.
- We offer a free Resource Library where providers can borrow books and prop boxes, laminate items, and create activity bulletin boards using our Cricut and Ellison machines.
- We offer an annual Provider Appreciation Day event to celebrate all the hard work child care providers do every day.
- We offer all of these services and more to our registered child care providers free of charge.
To become a Registered Provider with the YWCA CCR&R your center must be licensed by the State of Ohio and within the counties we serve.
The YWCA CCR&R is the best place to begin. Attend one of our regularly scheduled “Starting a Program” trainings, and then connect with one of our specialists for personalized, one on one assistance every step of the way.
For more information use the tabs above to navigate the different types of child care program opportunities or contact your local YWCA Child Care Resource and Referral office.
For more information, call and speak to one of our specialists. Toledo Region: 800.632.3052 Lima Region: 800.992.2916 Mansfield Region: 855.548.9598