- Business Success Network
- Business Trainings
- Business Success Institute
- Business Technical Assistance
- Starting a Program
- Business Success Summit
- Early Childhood Job Board
- Shared Services
Business Success Network
The YWCA Child Care Resource & Referral Business Success Network
Supports designed specifically for child care program owners and administrators!
We offer opportunities for child care providers to:
- Strengthen their business practices
- Learn new ways to maximize their time and income
- Collaborate with other program owners and administrators
- Work one-on-one with a business specialist
- Explore new concepts and trends
Business Trainings
We offer regularly scheduled business trainings that are tailored to the needs of child care providers. All trainings are Ohio Approved. An assortment of training levels are available for owners and administrators with different degrees of experience. New trainings are added frequently.
Business Success Institute
The Child Care Business Success Institute is a training experience that allows administrators to network with peers while strengthening their business skills and earning Ohio-approved training hours.
Option 1: Fiscal Practices, Marketing, Program Development and Human Resources
Option 2 (for those who have completed Option 1): Leadership
Upcoming Training Dates
Personal Leadership
January: 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
Strategic & Operational Leadership
February: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd
Effective Team Leadership
Feb: 29th, March: 7th, 14th, *21st (Wed.)
Pre-registration through the Ohio Professional Registry is required for any Business Institute training
Business Technical Assistance
The YWCA CCR&R offers specialized technical assistance in the areas of business management and program operation is available for those interested in one-on-one support. This is an ideal opportunity for programs that have identified specific needs.
For additional information, or to schedule an appointment please call the Business Specialist in your local YWCA CCR&R office:
Toledo: Carol Bandelaria or Tim Greenberg – 419.255.5519
Lima: Denise Johnston – 419.225.5465
Mansfield: Susan Martin – 419.775.5179
Starting a Program
Those interested in opening a child care program can attend one of our regularly scheduled trainings to learn about the process of becoming licensed. The YWCA CCR&R offers programming for those interested starting an FCC or a center.
Click on the links below to see the scheduled sessions in your local area:
Business Success Summit
Attendees at the annual Business Success Summit receive access to brand-new seminars on regularly requested topics. They also have the opportunity to network with other program owners, administrators, community agencies, and local business professionals.
Early Childhood Job Board
The YWCA Child Care Resource and Referral is pleased to sponsor this employment portal for early care and education providers and professionals in Northwest Ohio. The site enables child care providers to promote open positions and helps professionals identify open ECE and childcare jobs in their region. This portal is open to ODJFS licensed childcare providers, ODE licensed providers, Head Start programs, and other approved ECE-related organizations. The YWCA CCR&R does not rate or recommend child care programs, and posting to this site does not denote endorsement by the YWCA CCR&R.
Employers – POST A JOB
Employees- FIND A JOB
Shared Services
We provide Targeted Monthly Business Technical Assistance & Support. We do this by helping with back office functions such as accounting, human resources, workforce development, professional development and grant acquisition/ management. These services help reduce overall costs of hiring a back office.
*The shared services pricing below is for Child Care Centers only.* For Family Child Care services, please contact your local YWCA CCR&R office.