YWCA CDA Programs

CDA Overview

What is a CDA?  The CDA (Child Development Associate) is a competency-based credential awarded to individuals who work with children ages birth to 5 years.  It is a nationally recognized credential that enhances careers in early care and education.

Recipients of this credential are qualified for careers such as:

  • Family Child Care Owner
  • Early Childhood Educator
  • Employment in public, corporate, or private child care centers
  • Administration at preschools, Head Start facilities, or private child care centers

Who is eligible?  Individuals who meet these requirements:

  1. Must be 18 years of age or older with an exception for juniors or seniors enrolled in a Child Care Career Tech Program
  2. Hold a high school diploma unless enrolled in a Child Care Career Tech Program.
  3. Have 480 hours of experience working with children within the past 3 years (these hours can be earned while training hours are being earned)
  4. Be able to be observed in an eligible setting

What are the Steps to Earn a CDA?
1.Determine eligibility
2.Complete 120 training hours (through the YWCA CCR&R or other certified ECE training organization)
3.Complete required Portfolio and Family Questionnaires
4.Complete the online application through the Council for Professional Recognition
5.Take a 65-question computer-based exam (must go to a PearsonVue Testing Center)
6.Complete Verification Visit and Portfolio Review with a certified Professional Development Specialist
7.Certificate is awarded by the Council

About YWCA CDA Training

YWCA CDA Training

The YWCA CCR&R CDA Training Program is a 6-month educational option offering courses for three types of CDA:  1) Infant Toddler CDA, 2) Preschool CDA, and 3) Family Child Care CDA. Students must complete at least 120 professional development training hours and a professional portfolio to apply for the Council for Professional Recognition’s credential. Training courses are usually offered twice a year (Winter/Spring or Fall/Winter) and schedules will vary based on trainer availability and holidays.

Benefits of YWCA CDA:

  • Meet job requirements
  • Reinforce your commitment to early childhood education
  • Provide parents with peace of mind and reinforce trust
  • Open the doors for advanced employment opportunities
  • Cohort-style training builds strong bonds between students
  • Free textbooks and portfolio templates
  • T.E.A.C.H scholarships or federal grants available to qualified students (a savings of $1,825)
  • One-on-one support: including assistance with portfolios, exam preparation, and completion of the CDA application
  • Earn Career Pathway points and Ohio Approved credit hours

CDA to Associate Program

CDA to Associate Program

The YWCA CDA to Associate program is a unique partnership between the YWCA Child Care Resource and Referral and Owens Community College.
Students in the CDA to Associate program will study for their Child Development Associate (CDA) credential on the Owens campus and gain important child development knowledge. While working through our CDA training courses, students will complete a professional portfolio and participate in a tuition-free college prep course called Aspire. This course will teach students basic math, writing, and reading skills needed to build their portfolios and take the college placement test.  CDA training and college prep courses are offered annually (August–May) and may be in-person, virtual, or hybrid. Students must commit to a 2-year Associate program through Owens Teacher Education and Human Services department on the Toledo-area campus.

Benefits of the CDA to Associate program:

  • Increase your earning potential with a credential/college degree
  • Individualized assessments to improve Math and English skills
  • T.E.A.C.H scholarships and federal grants available for CDA or Associate programs
  • Earn college credit and Ohio Approved hours while completing the CDA program
  • Free CDA textbooks and portfolio templates
  • YWCA support for portfolios, exam preparation, and completion of the CDA application
  • Owens Days – provide students with one-on-one assistance with navigating the college admission and financial aid processes
  • Students have access to resources on campus, including the library, internet, printers, iPads, and ECE classroom supplies

Upcoming Training

Winter/Spring 2024 Classes are currently in session.

Please use the link below to apply for the following Fall options:

Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00 – 8:30 PM – via Zoom

Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00 – 8:30 PM – at Owens Community College**

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:00 – 8:30 PM – via Zoom

**must apply to become an Owens student


August 2024 – March 2025 CDA (Child Development Associate) Application (google.com)