20 May

Supporting STEAM in your Child Care Program

All three of the YWCA CCR&R’s offices had the honor of welcoming a member of the Lakeshore professional development team to present STEAM trainings for our Provider Appreciation Day celebrations.

16 Apr

The YWCA CCR&R Has A Certified ACT Facilitator!

Congratulations to YWCA CCR&R Outreach Parent Specialist Tiffany Sullivan for completing ACT Facilitator Certification! The ACT program was developed by the Violence Prevention Office of the American Psychological Association. This

5 Apr

The Impact of the YWCA CCR&R Business Success Institute on One Local Child Care Program

The following was written by Gina Gilbert, the Administrator at Little Sprouts Academy in Toledo and a recent graduate of the YWCA CCR&R’s Business Success Institute.  Gina is pictured in

28 Jan

High Quality Child Care is Worth the Investment!

Child care providers know that quality is important, but it can be difficult to explain why to those who don’t understand this industry.  The YWCA CCR&R has put together a

22 Jan

Make Plans Now to Meet your Training Requirements

The YWCA Child Care Resource and Referral is already making plans to ensure that providers have plenty off opportunities to meet their training requirements.  In addition to our regularly scheduled

18 Jan

Child Care Resolutions

We’re a couple of weeks into the new year, but there is still plenty of time to make resolutions and goals for your program.  Here are somethings that you might

23 Nov

Training Sale!

Are you interested in saving a little money on professional development?! The YWCA CCR&R is offering a training sale!  If you purchase $100.00 in training vouchers you will receive $25

19 Nov

We are thankful for you!

At the YWCA CCR&R we know how hard child care providers work.  Many families are able to further their careers, complete their degrees, and improve their personal situations because they

12 Nov

Preparing for Cold Weather Outdoor Play

Winter is coming quickly, but there are a few easy things that you can do now to prepare yourself and your students for outdoor play all winter long. 1.Understand the

5 Nov

Ideas for Developmentally Appropriate Thanksgiving Activities

Every preschooler looks cute dressed up as a Pilgrim, but that doesn’t mean that they understand why they are dressed that way.  Toddlers and preschoolers are just beginning to grasp
