Career Path Level Changes – What happened to my registry profile?!

| July 26, 2018

If you’ve logged onto your professional registry profile this month then you’ve noticed that things look very different, so what happened? As of July 1st, the way that Career Path Levels (CPL) are calculated has changed. This change was intended to make it easier to determine your CPL.  There is a new Career Pathways Model Worksheet that you can use to figure out what your CPL should be (click here to download the worksheet).

If your registry profile does not reflect the same CPL that you’ve calculated using the CPL worksheet, there are a few things that you can try:

  • Review the educational documents that you’ve uploaded.  All profiles must have a high school diploma or GED uploaded and verified.  If you have a higher level of education (CDA, advanced degree, etc.) it will not be recognized until your high school diploma or GED has been verified. If you want an advanced degree to be verified you must upload an official copy of your transcript form the institution.  This document needs to show that you completed the degree program.
  • Check your account information.  If your name associated with your registry profile is not the same as the name on your diploma or transcript then you need to make sure both names are recorded in your account information.
  • Resubmit educational documents.  If you’ve reviewed the documents that you previously submitted and determined that they meet all of the requirements then try re-submitting them.  OCCRRA may need to review them again to verify that they have recorded the correct CPL for you.
  • Review your employment records.  You want to make sure that you have entered all of your child care related employment experience.  If you have been working in the field for 25 years, but the only employment record that you have listed in your registry profile is your current employer whom you’ve been with for 5 years, then you are only receiving points for 5 years of experience.  When you create employment records for all of your previous employment experience you will receive CPL points for the additional years of experience.
  • Look over your training hours.  The new CPL calculations are based on completing your PD certificate within the current biennium.  For example, I have completed 9 hours of Ohio Approved training within the current biennium (July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2019).  I need to complete at least 20 hours to earn my PD certificate, so I am not currently receiving any CPL points for my PD certificate because I have not earned it yet.

If you would like assistance uploading documents, or you have tried all of the tips and still have questions please call your local YWCA CCR&R office to speak to a specialist!

Toledo: 419-255-5519 or 1-800-632-3052

Lima: 419-225-5465 or 1-800-992-2916

Mansfield: 419-775-5179 or 1-855-548-9598