Clarification on inservice forms

Have you noticed that some trainers still give you inservice forms while others do not? This is happening because all Ohio Approved trainings must now be verified through the Professional Registry (  This means that the trainer has to mark your attendance in the Registry and then system automatically recognizes that you have completed the training hours associated with that particular training.  Ohio Approved trainers have been notified by JFS that we are no longer supposed to give participants inservice training forms because if the training participant uploads the form to the Registry it will not be verified.  This is the case for any OA training completed after October 1, 2018.

If you complete a health and safety training, or any other training that is not Ohio Approved, you will still receive an inservice form for.  Participants will still have to upload these trainings into the Registry if you want them to be recognized on your Registry profile.  If you have any additional questions please contact